Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tacos Earnesto's

3778 McCart Avenue
Fort Worth, TX 76110-4619
(817) 922-8072

Consumed Tacos: Asada/Pollow con Chipotle
Preference: Pollo con Chipotle

I struck gold yet again in Tacoville by stumbling upon yet another five-taco taqueria. Please note that I do not bestow the five-taco rating to anyone. My vow to you all is that I will never jeapordize the integrity of this rating, and five-taco taquerias are essentially the "perfect tacos".

Tacos Earnesto's is a block away from Earnesto's Tacos. My assumption is that Earnesto's Tacos was in business first, and the second Earnesto was incredibly stubborn in wanting to use his name in his business, and he could only come up with Tacos Earnesto's. While he makes some incredibly delicious tacos, the man is obviously lacking marketing skills. Had I known of his shortcoming in this area, I would have offered my (inept but still better than his) marketing skills for free tacos. I would have encouraged him to name his restaurant "Damn good Mexican tacos" or "Tacos like a mug".

I was a little taken aback when I went in to Tacos Earnestos as the people eating at the two occupied tables were all white. Huh? Had I stumbled upon some "trendy" taqueria that caters to the gringo pallet? Is being a block closer to downtown that much different? Or...are do these white boys know something I don't?

The inside of Tacos Earnestos is unappealing like any good taqueria should be. There menu is simple and sits underneath the lamenated table-tops. My waitress immediately brought me chips and salsa BEFORE taking my order. I must say that this is a first in Tacoville, and a definite plus. The chips were so-so, but the salsa. Oh the salsa. This might be the best salsa I've ever tasted. Next time I am going bring a bottle and seriously ask them to fill it up for me so I can take some home.

I ordered three tacos. Two asada (which you can probably tell is my favorite), and one Pollo con y Chipotle (Chicken with Chipotle sauce). My waitress asked me if I wanted cilanto, onions, and hot sauce with it. Frankly I am getting tired of this question and felt like resonding, "What do you think", but I understand that she is working with quite a few potential "WTF" clients of causasian persuasion and must be careful.

Now something you might have noticed about this review. My preferred taco was actually the chicken and not the asada. This is not to say the asada was poor, but instead speaks to how good the chicken was. It was a shredded chicken that had been stewed in some sort of chipotle sauce. Oh my goodness it literally melted in my mouth. Biting into the taco generated squirts of chipotle sauce and grease to spew out of the taco, luckily forward and sideways, but not backward. The oninons and cilantro were a little lacking, but I was impressed with how finely chopped they both were, so that made up for it. I also dipped my tacos in the wonderful salsa. which simply made by taste buds erect like little vienna sausages it was so good.

The chicken tacos, plus the unbelievable salsa easily give Tacos Earnesto's a five-taco rating. Now if they could just do something about there name to avoid confusion.

Bonus message below. Try to crack the code.
Lobs care said Adam conned towel blasting donuts eat bus toddler voids fun dialed Tahiti his popcorn fiance financial site friend sees NASA.

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