Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Earnesto’s Taqueria

4050 Hemphill Street
Fort Worth, TX 76110-6256
(817) 921-3147 (Opens at 7:00 am)

Consumed Tacos: Fajita/Chicken
Preference: Chicken

Out of all of the taqueria’s I’ve been to thus far, Earnesto’s is the most fun to say out loud. It’s more fun to say than salsa. Earnesto’s. I sound very Mexican when I say that.

Down the street from Juanito's (also fun to say) Earnesto’s is just as busy as Juanito’s. I arrived at 11:00 am, and there was not a place to park. Granted, the parking lot was small, but I was surprised to see it so busy.

The inside is fairly small (seats maybe 50 people). The folks in front of me were ordering burritos that looked so good I almost broke from my taco hunt, but I stuck with my guns and ordered two fajita and two chicken. The person behind the counter (Earnesto?) said, “Everything, right?” I nodded. Other than “Thank you”, those were the only English words spoken in that restaurant during my visit. This was probably the most “home-stye” taqueria I’ve visited to-date.

What was not home-style was the price. I was taken by surprise that four tacos put me back $7.19. Coupled with the $1.62 bottle of coke, this was easily the most expensive place during the taco hunt.

I also found the taco’s surprisingly small. They stuffed four tacos into a paper platter that should hold no more than three tacos. Consequently, there was quite a bit of “squishing” of the tacos. This is okay, but I prefer to no squish the tacos until I eat them (so they retain their juices).

I made the mistake of asking for additional taco sauce after getting my tacos. Earnesto had already put some taco sauce on my tacos. He looked puzzled when I asked for more, and I soon found out why. WOW! That was some hot shit. I fear what the night will bring.

The chicken tacos were especially tasty. The cilantro was fresh, although it was not chopped as finely as I like it to be. The onions were also cut rather large.
The fajita meat was not tender as I prefer, but it was still very good.

Earnesto’s also serves glass-bottled cokes from Mexico. I’m becoming spoiled on these.

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